Guys, this post is going to be short and sweet. Its week 4 of the <a href="http://www.callingithome.com/oneroomchallenge/" target="_blank">One Room Challenge</a> hosted by <a href="http://www.callingithome.com/" target="_blank">Calling It Home</a>. I almost feel bad saying that things are going well and I've got no real problems to write about. Because it makes for a pretty boring post and an anti-climatic <a href="http://www.callingithome.com/oneroomchallenge/" target="_blank">6 week makeover</a>. If you are just joining for Week 4, you can check out the plans and progress in <a href="http://www.suburbanbitches.com/one-room-challenge-moody-vintage-dining-room-week-1/" target="_blank">Week 1</a>, <a href="http://www.suburbanbitches.com/one-room-challenge-back-black-dining-room-week-2/" target="_blank">2</a>, and <a href="http://www.suburbanbitches.com/one-room-challenge-back-black-dining-room-week-3/" target="_blank">3</a> here. But things are moving along and at this point I'm almost finished with all things on my room makeover list. And let's be honest- I really didn't take on a huge project like others have for this 6 week makeover challenge. Basically my plan was to paint a room, get some new furniture and lights, and style it up. I did have one hiccup that I'll share only because the company that fixed this problem was so good about my mistake! In my original plan for the room I talked about getting a Saarinen knock-off tulip table, something that I've wanted for years. I guess in my excitement of finding a reasonably priced knock-off that came in 60" length, I failed to look at the other measurements (ahem, width) of the table. Imagine my surprise when I put together this <a href="http://www.lexmod.com/p-15088-13385-lippa-60-oval-shaped-wood-top-dining-table.aspx" target="_blank">table from Lexmod</a> and realized that the table I ordered was much, much too small for my room.
<img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-9832" src="http://www.suburbanbitches.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IMG_0003-768x1024.jpg" alt="IMG_0003" width="640" height="853" />
And here's the kicker about ordering furniture online, its super expensive to ship it back. Shipping of the table was free when it came from <a href="http://www.lexmod.com/default.aspx" target="_blank">LexMod</a> but the prospect of mailing this table back to <a href="http://www.lexmod.com/default.aspx" target="_blank">LexMod</a> was daunting. I knew that I would be paying over a hundred dollars to get it back, all because I failed to check measurements. My first plan was to put the table on Craig's List and sell for $50 less than buying it new. But then I decided just to contact <a href="http://www.lexmod.com/default.aspx" target="_blank">LexMod</a> and see if they could pick up the wrong sized table when they delivered the correct sized table, which was <a href="http://www.lexmod.com/p-15087-13384-lippa-60-wood-top-dining-table.aspx" target="_blank">this one</a>. And let me say, <a href="http://www.lexmod.com/default.aspx" target="_blank">LexMod</a> was more than happy to pick up the table and get it back. Great customer service all around for <a href="http://www.lexmod.com/default.aspx" target="_blank">LexMod</a>- thanks guys!!! I got the correct size table this week and love it!! But no peeks of it in the room until Week 6!
With the furniture in, lights up, and artwork close to be finished- I started thinking about staging this room for pictures. And I realized that I should have the table set, to at least give the impression that this room does get used for dining every once in a while. I don't have a nice set of china, because really china is totally not my style. I use white dishes for everyday eating and for fancier meals- because white dishes are simple and versatile. But white dishes aren't gonna cut it for staging of this room. I wanted to have some dishes with gold splatters on them, and wouldn't you know it <a href="http://www.jonathanadler.com/" target="_blank">Jonathan Adler</a> read my mind and created <a href="http://www.jonathanadler.com/1948%C2%B0-dinner-plate/21254.html#start=1" target="_blank">these beauties</a>:
<img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-9828" src="http://www.suburbanbitches.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Jonathan-Adler-plate-1024x1024.jpg" alt="Jonathan Adler 1948 plate" width="640" height="640" />
Now the question is- do I splurge and buy 6 of these plates? I may never use them again, or maybe I will? I can pass them down to my daughter when she needs a set of amazing plates. That is my justification for purchasing everything from jewelry to vintage furniture- creating a set of items my kids will fight over when I die. #deadmomgoodies
Or....should I DIY these? Seems pretty easy to recreate this look with some liquid gold paint and white dishes. Only thing is I don't think they would be safe to eat off of the plates if I don't have them sealed properly. But they would do the job for pictures. Hmmm, I'll let you guys know next week what I decide.
My <a href="http://triplesevenhome.com/sconces/the-madonna" target="_blank">sconces</a> arrived last week from <a href="http://triplesevenhome.com/" target="_blank">Triple Seven Home</a>. They are so, so perfect!!! Even my husband commented on them, and he is pretty much immune to new things in the house. So the fact that these caught his eye says a lot about the statement they make in the room!
<img class="aligncenter wp-image-9726 size-full" src="http://www.suburbanbitches.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Madonna2.jpg" alt="Madonna2 Triple Seven Home" width="636" height="960" />
And as we look over the list of things to do before Week 6 arrives, it's looking on track.
<li><del>Paint walls black</del></li>
<li><del>New lights above table</del></li>
<li><del>Fix hole on the ceiling</del></li>
<li><del>New sconces</del></li>
<li>Large artwork over buffet</li>
<li><del>New dining table</del></li>
<li><del>New dining chairs</del></li>
<li><del>Vintage rug for under table</del></li>
<li><del>Mirror for room</del></li>
<li>Style the room and photograph</li>
Be sure to check out the progress made on the <a href="http://www.callingithome.com/oneroomchallenge/" target="_blank">One Room Challenge</a> as we come closer to the end. There's <a href="http://www.callingithome.com/blog/2016/4/one-room-challenge-week-4-featured-designers" target="_blank">20 designers</a> to check out and over <a href="http://www.callingithome.com/blog/2016/4/one-room-challenge-guest-participants-week-4" target="_blank">200 linking participants</a> for your reading pleasure! And Tricia will be back tomorrow (I swear, this week she's posting!) with an update on her master bedroom.
<img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-3308" src="http://www.suburbanbitches.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/erin.png" alt="erin signature" width="212" height="150" />